Alameda County City Selection Committee

The Alameda County City Selection Committee is comprised of the mayors of all fourteen cities in Alameda County. It was established and operates in accordance with California Government Code Section 50270 et seq., in order to appoint city representatives to various governing boards of regional and county agencies. Currently, the Alameda County City Selection Committee makes appointments to the governing boards of the following five agencies:

Appointments Made by the City Selection Committee

Commission Name Number of Seats Appointed Term Length
Alameda County Local Area Formation Commission Two members and one alternate member Four-years
Alameda County Local Region Access Network One member No defined term
Alameda County Oversight Board One member No defined term
Bay Area Air Quality Management District Two members Two-years
Metropolitan Transportation Commission One member Four-years

For information concerning the five agencies above, including current board membership, mission, contact information, etc., please visit their respective websites.

The Alameda County Mayors’ Conference, which is also comprised of all the mayors of all fourteen cities in Alameda County, serves a dual role of also acting as Alameda County City Selection Committee. As such, it has the same members and makes the above appointments as the Alameda County City Selection Committee. The Alameda County Mayors’ Conference holds regular monthly meetings, posts vacancies and minutes for governing board positions it appoints. It also has bylaws detailing the appointment process.

For additional information concerning the Alameda County City Selection Committee, including a listing of its members and officers, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, vacancies notices for the various positions it appoints, and the bylaws of the Alameda County Mayors

Conference, please contact the Alameda County Mayors’ Conference.