Commissions and Committees

Alameda County Mayors’ Conference and City Selection Committee Members, Officers and Committee Members
The Alameda County Mayors’ Conference maintains officers for carrying out its mission. In addition, it currently has an Executive/Legislative Committee and a Nominating Committee and acts as the Alameda County City Selection Committee tasked with making appointments to various regional boards. Information on these committees are detailed in the Alameda County Mayors’ Conference Bylaws. Current ACMC and City Selection Committee members, officers and committee members are listed below:
Regional Bodies and Boards Opportunities for Participation, Appointment Process and Applications
As part of its mission and responsibility, the Alameda Mayors’ Conference makes and/or recommends appointments to various Alameda County and regional boards, i.e. commissions and committees. Membership qualifications are determined by Alameda County and the regional agencies. Please use the links below to view a listing of current regional boards and a summary of their composition and mission.
If you are interested in being considered for appointment to a regional board, commission and/or committee, please download and complete the Alameda County Mayors’ Conference application and return it by email to the Executive Director at consistent with an established submittal schedule. Submittal of an application is required to be considered for appointment. Also listed below are the application submital instructions, which also includes a summary of the appointment and submittal process and which should be reviewed prior to submitting an application.
General Information regarding regional boards:
Listing of current regional boards and Appointing Authority
List of regional board members appointed by the Mayors’ Conference
Summary of mission, composition and meeting time and locations for regional boards
Link to Alameda County Supervisorial District Map
Information Regarding Applying to a Regional Board and Listing of Vacancies
Current Regional Board Vacancies and application submittal due dates
Alameda County Mayors’ Conference regional board application for consideration for appointment